I'm not a fan of hard-coding my business rules as I find that more often than not, those hard-coded beasts will turn around and bite you. You'd struggle to remember which hard-coded rules need updating when new hierarchies are added to your planning application. Sure, hard-coded scripts tend to be easier to read but I'd still steer away from having hard-coding where possible.
Enough said, let's get down to business... This post, I'd like to share with you a technique I often used to resolve an assumption that is set globally for a group of common parent members (e.g. Entities). Normally, one would create an "NA" member to hold the global assumptions for these members as shown below:
I could write a rule that hard-codes to ANZGROUP_NA to resolve the global assumption like this:
Or, I could create a rule that will dynamically resolve to ANZGROUP_NA.
The code will resolve to ANZGROUP_NA by first resolving to the ANZGROUP node using the @ANCEST("Entity",2) function and followed by concatenating the resulting member with a suffix of "_NA". The @MEMBER will then convert the concatenated string to a member before used in the crossdim with "Annual_Salary". The series of functions will result in the following crossdim:
"Monthly Salary" = "Annual_Salary"->"ANZGROUP_NA" / 12;
This of course, is a very simple example with the entity dimension having just 3 generations (Entity, Group and Individual Level 0 entities) and you might ask what's the big deal with hard-coding the rule to point to ANZGROUP_NA? You're right, this isn't a big deal to have it hard-coded in this instance as the chances of you adding another NA member in this hierarchy is quite minimal. However, it will be a different conversation if we had an entity structure like the one shown below:
Each of the country entities (i.e. AU and NZ) having their respective NA members to capture their country-specific assumptions. The hard-coded rule needs to be updated to evaluate if the current entity being calculated is part of the AU or the NZ hierarchy and then apply the correct country-specific assumption to the rule.
Any subsequent addition to the entity dimension (i.e. adding of new countries), will require the rule to be amended to also consider the newly added countries. Now, compare it with the non-hard coded rule. You would update the code to use Generation 3 that will resolve to either "AU" or "NZ" before concatenating with the "_NA" suffix.
With just 3 lines of code, the rule will resolve to AU_NA for all entities under the AU hierarchy and to NZ_NA for all NZ entities.
With the above code, any subsequent addition of siblings to the AU or NZ nodes will NOT require you to amend your rules as it will work perfectly as long as you maintain the same hierarchy structure as we have for AU or NZ.
There! A short and sweet post. Hope you found it useful and keep a look out for more tips and tricks on how to avoid hard-coding in your rules. Till then, adios!
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